Easy Ways to Raise Money for Cypress!
Direct Donation
Any monetary donation is welcomed and appreciated! Simply complete the DIRECT DONATION FORM with a check made payable to “Cypress PTA” or pay via our online store at www.cypresselementarypta.org website via credit card. You can return this form to Cypress’s front office during normal office hours or mail to:
Cypress PTA
Attn: Direct Donation,
4200 Kimber Drive, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Conejo Deals
If you purchase group discounts via Conejo Deals, please consider donating a portion of your proceeds to Cypress Elementary School. Once you are about to purchase an item from Conejo Deals, simply choose “Cypress Elementary School,” from the drop down menu below your order. Conejo Deals will donate $1 to our school for every purchase.
Amazon Smile
The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Cypress PTA programs.
- Visit: AmazonSmile
- Select: "Cypress Elementary PTA" as your non-profit of choice.
* AmazonSmile works with Amazon Prime.
** AmazonSmile does not work on the phone app, only desktop purchases.
School Cents
Log your receipts from The Oaks Mall to earn money for Cypress via the
School Cents Program. The PTA will send home quarterly reminders of when to turn in these receipts.
Box Tops for Education
Save Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios®, Ziploc® and Kleenex®. Each box top is worth 10¢ and will be collected throughout the school year.
Earn even more cash to help your school get what it needs through the Box Tops for Education® Bonus App. Turn your everyday receipts into cash for your school!
Matching Gifts
Many local employers will match any donation you make a donation to a non-profit. To check to if your employer has matching program you can visit: https://doublethedonation.com/matching-gift-software/premium and type in the name of your employer.
The following employers match employee donations:
- Amgen
- General Electric
- Soros Fund Management
- BP (British Petroleum)
- State Street
- Exxon Mobil
- Car Max
- Johnson & Johnson
- Boeing
- Microsoft
- Apple
- Chevron
- Disney
- The Home Depot
- JP Morgan
- Merck
- Starbucks
- State Farm
- Verizon
- Bank of America
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, February 25
- Friday, February 28
- Tuesday, March 4
- Friday, March 7
- Tuesday, March 11