Welcome To Cypress Elementary PTA Website!
In order to access member only sections such as store, newsblast, volunteer and directory you need to register and create an account.
Please make sure you update your child's teacher information so you can get all email communications from your room parents. This is this the best way to be involved in your classroom for parties or events or classroom requests.
For those new to Cypress this year, we welcome you! The best way to stay informed is to sign up for our weekly newsblast via this website. We will also post updates on this website's blog and Facebook so make sure you use which ever method works best for you.
PTA Welcome Back Letter
9/6/2024 2:09 pm
TO DO: Now that you have learned the amazing teachers for your children this year make sure you update the teacher for each child in your Membership Toolkit (https://cypresselementarypta.membershiptoolkit.com/). This ensure we know where to deliver purchased items, such as yearbooks. We also are requesting shirt sizes for Fun Run shirts, which can be updated there too.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, February 11
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18