Cypress Elementary is better ... with YOU!

Support your child and your school - Support PTA!


With your PTA membership, all things are possible!


Here are some programs made possible by Cypress PTA:

Physical Education, Music Education, Computer Specialist, Art Trek, School Safety, Bucket Filling Assembly, Abilities Awareness, MakerSpace


Here is how PTA supplements learning at Cypress:

Purchase of Active Panels,  Purchase of I-Pads,  Scholastic News Magazines, Purchase of PE equipment and supplies, Safety Committee


With shrink­ing bud­gets, increas­ing class sizes and gov­ern­ment man­dates, the chal­lenges of deliv­er­ing qual­ity edu­ca­tion are daunt­ing.  There is help.  Cypress Elementary PTA is a group of ded­i­cated par­ents, teach­ers and staff doing what PTA does best: Harnessing the power of vol­un­teers while work­ing together to pro­vide excel­lent resources and pro­grams to all families.


When you get involved in PTA, the child who ben­e­fits the most is your own. You also are tak­ing a major step toward improv­ing your child’s school, your com­mu­nity, and your state and national edu­ca­tion and health poli­cies.  PTA pro­motes the edu­ca­tion, health, and wel­fare of chil­dren and families.


Research shows stu­dents do bet­ter when their fam­i­lies are involved at home and at school. Grades are higher. Test scores rise. Self-esteem grows. Schools improve.


Cypress Elementary PTA contributes money in a variety of ways to every grade level.


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